Why Dogs Eat Mulch. These substances will poison a dog leading to symptoms like tremors and vomiting. According to the ASPCA rocks are the most common non-food item ingested by dogs suffering from pica but dogs also sometimes swallow other inedible items such as plastic containers clothes and wooden objects including mulch. The main causes for a dog eating dirt include. Cocoa mulch contains theobromine which is toxic for dogs and like other mulches presents choking and intestinal hazards.
Like chocolate this mulch contains theobromine. More often than not your dog will be interested in mulch because it is something new and different that has been added to its territory. Some dogs wont eat any of it some any type of mulch is appetizing. Dental and Digestive Issues. Nausea stress anxiety hunger or underlying medical conditions can cause this strange disorder. Mulch since it is made of wood can splinter when chewed thus causing irritation abrasions tears perforations or blockage.
Cocoa bean mulch is susceptible to mold and other mulch types may contain molds such as penitrem A and roquefortine that could cause vomiting diarrhea tremors or seizures.
Mulch rocks or any other kind of debris can block the gastrointestinal tract leading to digestive issues. How to get dog to stop eating mulch. Dogs love to chew and a fresh bed of mulch is a prime target for digging and chewing. Cocoa bean mulch has an attractive smell that makes the ingestion of the mulch an interesting prospect to many dogs. While others types of mulch may not necessarily be toxic they can also be dangerous. Dogs will sometimes chew on wood because they are lacking in nutrients but mostly it is out of boredom or curiosity.